Beatriz G.R.



  Copenhagen 8-9th September 2021

Youth voices matter

It is a public and interactive art Installation In collaboration with Useful Art for Communities (UAC) and commissioned by Ungdomsbureauet at Ungdommens Folkemøde.

Exhibited at Valby parken in Copenhagen with the goal of creating a space where youth voices can resonate and be heard by both citizens and policy makers.

This artwork intentionally wants to contribute with another perspective in order to exercise better democracy, and exploring the example of what happens in western democracies; society requires citizens to have a political opinion and engage with democratic practices from the age of 18. However, what is happening before one is legally able to participate in the building of the local community? When one is supposed to forge their political opinion?How can contemporary politics really involve citizens with public affairs? However, aren’t the youth also part of the communities and therefore also citizens?

The artwork was also exhibited at Dokk1, the 20 and 21th October 2021, In collaboration with Sweet Aarhus.

This project has been documented and archived by the UAC organization and it’s available for future public exhibitions. 


for more information visit →

Aarhus (DK) 27th Aug – 5th Sep 2021

You are nature

It is a public art and interactive installation created by Den Grønne Studenterbevaegelse, a group of activists in collaboration with Tearetet Svalegangen and Useful Art for Communities (UAC) to explore and connect deeply with the relationship between humans and nature since is wildly unbalanced which threatens the existence of both.

The installation was exhibited from 27th Aug to 5th Sep 2021 in the middle of Aarhus Festuge.

for more information visit →

Aarhus (DK) 2018- May 2020

Clay Hands​

Participatory public monument

In co- creation with one thousand two hundred inhabitants and visitors from Aarhus , Denmark, during three phases and more than fifty workshops and happenings.

Located on the outdoors main facade of Folkestad “the people’s place”, a house with social purposes.


for more information visit →

Aarhus (DK) 2019


Objexts and Effects In Transition

It’s a participatory public art piece as a memorial of the B-Hus (B House), its activity and its inhabitants. It represents visually the process of gentrification accrued in 2019 at the creative hub of Institut for X ( in Aarhus, Denmark.

The box of ashes as an outcome of a ritual process of healing, visibility and recognition is now given as a gift and located in the library at the collage of architecture, built in X’s place of birth (B Hus).

for more information visit →

Denmark  2018-2020

S.O.S “Save our souls”

A series of public workshops on the streets around Denmark was created as a  peaceful action against the harsh laws implemented by the Danish government in 2017, and which affected and still continue to influence somehow the lives of many refugees who come to Denmark looking for a dignified and safe life.

During the approximately forty workshops, locals, refugees and expats joined their voices in the form of flowers and letters, reaching a total of four hundred flowers, two hundred letters that served to spread awareness about their struggle and that at the same time opened a dialogue in favor of justice and human rights regarding the migration systems in what we live in western societies.

This project has been documented and archived by UAC organization and it’s available for future public  exhibitions request.

for more information visit →

Aarhus (DK) 2018 – to present

Useful Art for Communities (UAC) association

Founder of the organization UAC , an art platform that works through a holistic approach on the co-creation, rediscovery and support of social art that seeks to make visible the voices of minority communities based in Aarhus. We are a constellation of artists and activists from various backgrounds and disciplines with the goal of creating spaces with agency to act for that aim to advocate social and environmental justice by supporting and facilitating the development of participatory art and the implementation of all sorts of community-oriented artistic projects.

for more information visit →

Bath, UK 2016

Copper Powder Patterns Collection

It’s a Crafts pottery collection.

This project is based around experimentation, by using clay as main material and copper as a 

secondary.Cooking the clay has the biggest impact on the end result, using different quantities

of copper in the clay mixture and trying different temperatures during the firing and using gas and electric kilns to help the copper flourish in a very uncontrollable way.


The goal was to explore and discover effective ways in decorating pottery without the aid 

of paints and other non sustainable inks through an experimentation process, it was about taking natural resources and using their qualities to discover unique patterns.

Bath, UK 2016

Cristal Radio

The Crystal radio is an interactive and temporary urban art installation located in public space of Bath city.

Created with pedagogical purposes, to inspire the public thought towards sustainable and economic design. 

By using a big copper wire wrapped on urban furniture or nature and functioning as antenna participants can play on tuning into local radio frequencies without the need for batteries.

Bath, UK 2015

Overcome Your limits Alphabet

This alphabet it’s a fun,playful and useful sculpture created with the purpose to discover the experience of learning through play. It’s a  tool for schools and childrens that shows challenges in learning in conventional ways, but also adults who are looking to connect with their childhood. 

It reflects the importance of including a new concept of expression and communication in the educational systems established in our society.